Sunday, January 01, 2006

On The Road to Tall Afar and Mosul - A New Year's Resolution

Coming Home
by: Donald J. Harris
a proud Dad
  1. I promise to finish my duty in Iraq, and come home a better person.
  2. When I get home, I will be a better person for the experiences and maturity I have gathered while away.
  3. The fight for Freedom and Democracy will be a mainstay in my past, and a focus of my future.
  4. I will not burden others with my shortcomings, when I can lighten their load with my strengths.
  5. I will remember the Children of Iraq as I hold my own.
  6. My best efforts will show by my actions.
  7. Good things will happen, because I know how to help. I Will Help because I can.
  8. I will love my Family more than myself.
  9. I will honor my God because He protected me.
  10. I will honor my Country because I have fought with the Best. "Brave Rifles" 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

1 comment:

Debbi Andersen said...

I have just come across your blog recently and have enjoyed what i have had a chance to read thus far. Even though times have changed and we are able to speak to our loved ones on a regular basis it doesnt make us stop missing them. My husband is also in the 3rd ACR and stationed in Iraq - thankfully less than 2 months to go! We had only been married 9 months when he left and it made a tough go of a 1st year of marriage - but we have faced diversity head on and rather than take the lesser road we have become stronger and more in love than ever. I loved your blog for today - it brought tears to my eyes because as I read it i could hear my husband saying those words - he is a wonderful man and I am so proud of him. Thank you for your entries and I look forward to reading the archives :)